23 Oct My Week In Review, October 20, 2017
I’m terrible, I know. I’ve been away from this blog for way too long. It’s been months actually and I have plenty of excuses. But no one wants to hear about the labor pains, they just want to see the baby. I gave some thought to giving a weekly video session of my progress and momentum as a way to stay active in posting to my blog.
Yes, we can review covers my trip to Las Vegas to attend the Adobe Max conference. It is a conference all over 12,000 highly creative at harvest in the fields of video, graphics, photography and visual arts. I thought I’d go behind the scenes and show a bit what I experienced in hopes that it would spark your interest to keep the pursuit of your goals and dreams active.
Because of time restraints, I will not type everything out here. But these are the topics are covered in the video.
- Adobe Sensei
2. Photography
3. Drones
4. Video Production
5. Origami
6. Food
7. Travel
Stay tuned and be well my friends.
Giulietta Fisher
Posted at 14:17h, 24 OctoberJust awesome. Love your words and the
intonation …highly interesting. And yes continue love this style…it’s refreshing, thoughtfull and diffrent emotions throughout. Thank you.
( gifish5 and gifish55 )
Posted at 20:12h, 24 OctoberGiulietta, thank you for the warm words, compliments and tremendous support. I’ll be sure to do all that I can to continue providing value.