Financial, Income Opportunities, Motivation, Positive Thinking, Resources, Shoutout / 22.02.2018

Money. It’s funny my brother actually calls me that.  I call him and he picks up the phone.I greet him with a  “What’s Up”, he greets me with “Money”. Money is something that we ran away from and something that people avoid to discuss further.Talking about money is taboo within our background, our community, and our historical perspective. We talk about money, but we always say; "money doesn’t grow on trees"  "save it for rainy days". I’m not here to talk about money as a monetary value per...

Community, Design, Events, Goals, Inspiration, Resources, Shoutout, Travel / 23.10.2017

I'm terrible, I know. I've been away from this blog for way too long. It’s been months actually and I have plenty of excuses. But no one wants to hear about the labor pains, they just want to see the baby. I gave some thought to giving a weekly video session of my progress and momentum as a way to stay active in posting to my blog. Yes, we can review covers my trip to Las Vegas to attend the Adobe Max conference. It is a conference all over...

Community, Inspiration, Shoutout / 04.07.2017

As we enter the 4th of July holiday, many of us anticipate the fireworks, cookouts and family reunions. Some of my best memories are those serving this nation. along with making some of the best friends that one could ask. Independence Day represents so much more than many of us display. It's a day and time to show gratitude for the freedoms that many have based on many that sacrificed and gave the ultimate sacrifice in order for you and me to live a free and happy life. It means...

Business, Goals, Income Opportunities, Shoutout / 04.05.2017

[vc_video link='']   When good things happen they're always worth sharing. Especially when someone goes out of their way to be super nice.  This product review comes as a result of "Shower Tower" friendliness. It's known and has been said if you want to have a friend, show yourself to be friendly.  As I've been focusing on growing my social media presence on Instagram, I'm meeting some pretty incredible people. One, in particular, is Astrid Ellis. She owns The Shower Tower. Astrid reached out and asked would I mind if she sent me...