Beginners Guide to Lose Weight

I owe a few of you a weight loss plan. Okay, I owe a bunch of you workout plans. So hear I am making  good on my promise from a whole ago. Let’s get started with finding out where you.

Get on the scale and find out your current weight. Being in denial will only prolong your progression. Next know where you want to go. What is your weight goal. Many people, particularly women often say “I want to loose weight mainly in “this” area and a none in “that” area and get toned. Everybody wants to tone up. The problem with this is weight loss is a process that involves the entire body, therefore you will loose weight in the wanted and unwanted areas. The biggest thing that you will need to start this journey is support. I’m sure you know someone else that has the same goal in mind. If you two are compatible, team up for accountability purpose. I’d also add that you want to get a person or two in the group that know a thing or two about fitness, health and wellness. Because there will be questions along the way.

Find Your Why!!!


Why do you want to loose weight anyway? Do you want to look better, feel better, set the example for your family or even prevent weight induced illnesses. Let the force be your daily motivation to drive you to your best level of greatness.

What I’d also recommend is to start a diet plan that will assist you in your weight loss. I’m currently using an app to log all of my meals. The name is My Fitness Pal. This application is compatible for iPhone, Android and is also web-based. Items can even be scanned from your phone and the nutritional value will show up directly into the program, making it easy for you to monitor your nutritional intake. You’ll be surprise how fast you get to 2,000 calories. [pull_quote align=”left”]You can’t manage what you can’t measure[/pull_quote] Upon entering your information in the application, it will give your recommended daily calorie intake based on your current weight and your future goal. It may surprise you to see how easy you’re reaching what should be your maximum daily calorie intake.


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Simple Diet Plan

Eat Smaller Portions: I know you’re not a child and you look forward to your grown man or grown woman plate. The problem we want use every bit of capacity that we have on the plate. This isn’t a good idea for loosing weight. Instead, use a bowl and eat a bowl size portion for meals such as lunch and dinner.

Increase Greens: No I’m not talking about collards or cabbage. These are great sources, but probably not the way you normally have them prepared. Widen your variety by including vegetables such as asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, kale and broccoli without the cheese.

Kill the Three White Devils: Greatly Reduce or totally get rid of what I consider the three white devils; sugars, salt and flour. When you start this habit, I promise you’ll see results within a week and once your get rolling, there’s not stopping you.

Don’t Waste It: Don’t let your workout got to waste. As hard as you workout, don’t give it all away by eating junk. Consistency is key, why bother with the workout if the food doesn’t support your goal?


The Exercise Plan


Walk and Run: Start with a daily brisk walk. When you feel a bit more energetic, run short portions and walk until you recover your breath and energy. The key is to steadily increase your activity by the days, weeks and months. If you have knee problems, proceed at your comfort level.


Push Ups: Pushups are a great exercise that require no equipment and you can do them anywhere. The highlights of the pushup are definition, strength, convenience and weight loss. This exercise gives definitions to excess fat on arms. Over time, this results in nicely sculpted arms. If you can’t do a pushup, start with the wall pushup, graduate to the knee pushup and then conquer the goal of a full pushup. Of course there’s an app for that to get you started and help you to increase your numbers and strength over a short amount of time.


Squats: You’re probably thinking of a bar with weights attached to the ends. That’s what I typically do. However, when I’m traveling or can’t get to the gym, I perform high rep sets of air squats. Trust me, they get the job done. What does the squat do? What doesn’t it do? Squats build quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Squats burn more fat, increase flexibility, maintains better balance and strengthens your core. Squats also naturally release testosterone and growth hormones used to increase muscle mass and strength throughout the body.


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