The Notes to my 20-Year-Old-Self

IF I could turn the hand of time and give my 20- year- old -self a pep talk, these are the notes I would tell to my 20-year-old-self. But before I discuss on what I  call my written constitution of supposedly called, “The Notes to my 20-year-old self”. There is this underlying note I want to tell myself all throughout.

It is to go out and experience more of what life has to offer; this means to value experience and to live life growing each day. It is not just living today like there’s no tomorrow but making the most of the time. Time flies not when you’re enjoying it, but when you’re just letting time pass by. You create time’s pace. Imagine spending three days backpacking, going from mountain to mountain, meeting different people, learning various cultures and languages; feeling exhausted, happy, hungry and all these other emotions that you experience. You’ve learned, struggled and cope a lot along the way for you to be aware how much valuable time passed by and how much you’ve valued spending this time. Valuing time includes failure, regret, challenges, and tribulations but amidst these, you are growing as a person with your experiences. At the end of the day, when you reflect on these things it is then that you realize how much can be done in such a duration and how much more you can do than just waiting for what the world throws you into.


Please invest your money.

TIME  is the greatest asset for anyone who wants to invest. The earlier you invest, the greater is the return on the value of your money. This is due to the concept of compound interest where you will earn interest on your original investment and the interest earned. That’s the power of compounding. With compound interest, you earn interest on the money you save and, on the interest, that money earns. Over time, even a small amount saved can add up to big money. Even one percentage point can make a difference in the long run.

YOU always hear that adage, let money work for you. So, let your money works for you. You take your money and you invest it. You manage your finances first. Before you select any investment product, it is important that you understand how it works. No matter how much or little money you have, the important thing is to educate yourself about your opportunities. Remember, each asset is unique and has a different risk-return profile which you can invest into and realize different financial goals. Don’t take your money out when you do invest. Let it grow because if you invest the right way in your 20s when you get to your 30s you can feel the significant benefits and get that compound interest to do a lot of work on your behalf. 

This is the stage of your life where you can take greater risks. Generally, you can afford to take greater risks with a view to obtain higher returns in the long-term because when you are older, security will be an important factor. If you can, think of a long-term investment horizon, you can afford riskier investments. However, if you need money for a down payment on a house in two years’ time, you should not invest in high risk assets.

You must know what kind of ‘money personality’ you have. You must understand your attitude towards money and risk, before making any investment. 

BUT of course, you have to remember you must NOT borrow to invest. You should not take other people’s money to invest or take out cash from your credit card. If you do not have money, do not invest. You must NOT invest just to get a quick and high return. Remember quick returns always carry high risks. Always be cautious of illegal get-rich-quick-schemes that promise quick money for your investments. They make false promises and may run away with your money. DO NOT invest in high-risk investments unless you are ready for it. I know you’ve heard this over and over. You must value the value of these reminders. You should NOT invest on the basis of ‘hot’ tips and rumors. You should not enter into any investment decision in a hasty manner. You must be a smart investor and proactively seek information on the various investment options available. You must protect your money against risk by spreading your money among various investments, hoping that if one investment loses money, the other investments will more than makeup for those losses. This strategy called A ROADMAP TO YOUR JOURNEY TO FINANCIAL SECURITY. This is called “diversification,” or the famous saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. You must always remember to exercise prudence when it comes to making an investment choice and decision. You must know how to secure your financial well-being. You must remember it is one of the most important things you’ll ever need in life.

You don’t have to be a genius to do it. You just need to know a few basics, form a plan, and be ready to stick to it.

Quick Tip:

1. Make a financial plan.

2. Pay off any high-interest debts.

3. Start saving and investing as soon as you’ve paid off your debts.

Learn from this websites.


Another thing I will tell myself is to travel.
TRAVEL  makes you more aware from a cultural perspective. You also get the opportunity to bring some experience to the table whether it be for your employer and whether it be in a relationship.You must seek for understanding through cultural immersion. You must make personal connections with family, friends, and strangers along the way.Travel provides an opportunity for personal growth which implies maturity in a young person’s life. You must travel and grow your global knowledge and become a well-rounded person that can make an impact on society. You must travel and quench that thirst for education. You must make an effort to make that obscurity full of vividness.

How do you travel when you don’t have the money to travel?

Save then travel. You can travel to a place you can afford. Just go out and mingle with society and people. Stop buying impulsively. If you buy on impulse, make a rule that you’ll always wait 24 hours to buy anything. You may lose your desire to buy it after a day. And try emptying your pockets and wallet of spare change at the end of each day. You’ll be surprised how quickly those nickels and dimes add up! Don’t be an impulsive buyer.

Whole Experience

You must create the “whole experience,”. Books have the power to educate you about the places, cultures, and beliefs from one place to another place while travel will give you the whole experience. You must travel for freedom and personal growth. You should travel for the whole experience, education, freedom, and personal growth. You can either immerse yourself into a new culture or to your own culture. Being culturally aware opens your eyes to the realities of the world. Traveling to a different place is one way of broadening your perspectives on the way you think globally. Others mentioned that new locations and environments, food, and culture where they hoped to experience and gain appreciation, the experience of connecting with family, friends, and/or strangers. You know there are a lot of driving factors travel. Travel is an avenue to make new connections with people in a new place. You can also increase your familiarity with a new culture as well as creating stronger bonds with old family and friends. Travel is a way for you to step out of your comfort zone. You must submerge yourself into a new culture or activity. You should gain a glimpse of life through someone else’s eyes. You must challenge yourself to either push yourself to do something that you wouldn’t normally do, such as backpacking through Europe with no specific schedule or direction or trying an exotic delicacy.

Educational Purposes

You must “expand your knowledge”, “broaden perspectives”, and “gain appreciation” for individuals and other cultures as a whole. You must gain intangible knowledge. You must also gain different physical skills when traveling. And again, just go out and learn. You’ll never know what instrument or sport you’ll learn along the way. You must learn a new culture and reflect on your own culture with a little more appreciation. You must fully immerse yourself in a truly unfamiliar world in order to understand and appreciate your own. You must educate yourself on world affairs. You must view things from a different cultural standpoint. You must be globally involved.

Travel is Freedom

You must travel because it gives physical freedom from work, school, and everyday life. You must travel to eliminate mental stress and creating a sense of relaxation while traveling. You must keep the stress levels at a minimum and increase their morale and stay positive. You must travel because it is good for the soul. You should travel for leisure and allow your creativity and individuality to take shape without having the environmental constraints of time. You must remember to always value the importance of being open-minded and being willing to experience new surroundings and people. You must travel to experience the rawness and purity of nature either from hiking, or backpacking. You must step into the unknown through travel.

Personal Growth

You must travel for personal growth. It’s either understanding where your ancestors come from and the culture. You should travel back to your homeland if there is. You should travel to have a profound understanding of your homeland. You must travel for “storytelling and photo-sharing.” You must travel because this creates an opportunity to create a lasting and meaningful experience. You must travel, venture out and create your own adventures. You must step out on your own and explore the unknown.

You must be an experience seeker. You must understand the diversity in culture and in the environment. You must widen your personal connections with others. You must broaden your perspective, increase your knowledge, and appreciate other culture. You must give time on your personal growth. You must increase your understanding of the various culture.

YES, you should go out and get that whole experience, education, freedom, and personal growth from your travels. You must travel to create a worthwhile experience.

Quench that thirst for CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL knowledge and seek for activities that will last long after the endeavor is over .

Set some GOALS.

SET  some goals for yourself. Write them down because the written goals happen more successfully at a significantly larger rate than the goals that aren’t written down because people can say a lot about something, but writing helps you make these goals come alive. You must create a good goal structure. Then you must take responsibility and ownership of your goals. Having a goal-­directed behavior means you are goal setting is empowering and proactive. You must have a self-­determined behavior of goal setting.

Setting goals is a great help for the 20’s age-old that you are especially important for students with low achievement motivation.

YOU must set your own goals to keep yourself motivated during your low points. You must invest and commit on these goals (Klinger, 1977). You must learn to delay gratification and suppress alternative goals in the pursuit of committing to your focal goals. You must set your own goals then commit and invest to attaining these goals. You must not only invest your money but invest in your goals. Develop your persistence, creativity, resourcefulness, self-regulation and risk-­taking in the process of attaining your goals. (Dewett, 2007; Lepper, Greene, & Nisbett, 1973). (Getzels & Csikszentmihalyi, 1976). You must set task-­related, reasonable goals, taking responsibility for your learning (Schunk, 1991). (, You must learn how to effectively set goals.

For citation purposes*The sense of competence resulting from successful goal, achievement encourages students to set more challenging goals and eventually adopt goal-directed mindsets. According to meta­ motivational Self-­Determination Theory (SDT), goal choice and sense of competence in a classroom learning community will motivate students to continue on their learning trajectories (Deci & Ryan, 1987). Therefore, it is important to set achievable and self ­and task-­relevant goals. Although setting goals improves performance robustly across various settings, it is nevertheless a skill: one must learn how to effectively set goals. In this respect, it is amenable to intervention (e.g., Barron & Harackiewicz, 2001). You must continue evaluating yourself and reflecting on your experiences. You must learn how to give constructive and specific feedback to yourself in line for your goal setting process. You must learn how to self­-evaluate and self­-regulate in the process.  You must set goals to help you organize, prioritize and manage your motives. You must be able to describe your goals for yourself, the challenges students may face, and how to overcome those challenges. You must learn how to set achievable and productive goals.

You must be actively involved in setting your life goals. You must take responsibility and ownership of your goals. You should write ‘why’ and ‘how’ you will achieve a goal. You must learn the different strategies of setting goals and problem-solving strategies. You must learn how to handle the procedure and the outcome as well. You must teach yourself how to set smart goals.

You must keep track of your own progress. You must remember there is no ‘one­ size ­fits ­all’ way of utilizing goal setting. You can divide long-­term goals into short-­term subgoals. You can establish your own timeline. You can assess your own progress toward your goals and come up with methods to visualize the progress. You must understand your own cycle of goal setting in regulating and attaining. You must evaluate your capabilities in trying to engage in these tasks and develop self­-regulatory competencies.

MORE important than setting SMART goals is setting the RIGHT Goal. One of the reasons we’re overloaded is because we are doing too much. You want a goal your mind, body, and soul can believe in. This is to know where you’re going so as to understand where you are now and take your next step in the right direction. You create your own written goal constitution of yourself, for yourself and by yourself. You must be an effective manager of yourself, you must organize and execute around priorities.

Be yourself.

Be yourself. Ok now, here’s number four, stop trying to be something that you’re not. That’s what the 20s are all about. You’re trying to be a rapper, you’re trying to be a celebrity. You’re trying to be someone that you’re not. You’re trying to be cool be “in” with the cool guys even if that’s not who you are. Don’t sacrifice your happiness to be “in”.

Don’t waste the time living another person’s life. Just be yourself, authenticity always wins.

SELF- awareness is having a clear and realistic perception of who you are. Self-awareness is not about uncovering a deep dark secret about yourself, but understanding who you are, why you do what you do, how you do it, and the impact this has on others.

Self-awareness is directly related to both emotional intelligence and success. · It helps you create achievable goals because you can consider your strengths, weaknesses, and what drives you when goal-setting. · It allows you to guide yourself down the right path by choosing to pursue the opportunities that are the best fit for your skill-set, preferences, and tendencies. · It makes identifying situations and people that hit our triggers and anticipating our own reactions easier. · It allows us to make positive behavioral changes that can lead to greater personal and interpersonal success

It takes far more energy to improve from incompetence to mediocrity than to improve from first-rate performance to excellence. The key to living with change is retaining a sense of who you are and what you value. Read Stephen Covey’s explanation of the character ethic vs the personality ethic. Understand the importance of knowing who you really are, what you are trying to be and why you’re trying to be.

Take better care of your health.
because health does not discriminate in your 20s you feel like you’re invincible. You have that indomitable spirit where you can eat and do whatever you want to do.  Poison is poison. So when you’re eating all processed foods and too much fast food and not exercising properly, the effect will soon catch up with you. It is not a factor of age that does that to you so take that into consideration.

Health Fact:

developed countries like the USA, where the literacy rate is more than 95%, people know that adopting a healthy lifestyle eliminates the risk of chronic health problems to a large extent. However, they do not follow a healthy lifestyle. Why? The answer is that people are addicted to an unhealthy lifestyle. For example- people are addicted to sleeping in the couch and that is why they do not exercise. People are addicted to eating high calories food that makes them obese and prone to heart problems. Addiction is a condition in which the desire/craving to repeat an addicted behavior consistently exceeds the ability to stop doing so [3]. When the more you have, the more you need to achieve the same effect. This effect can be modeled as a positive feedback loop where the desire keeps increasing in a loop.

Abstinence from unhealthy lifestyle.

The diagram below shows the cybernetic approach to controlling health problems by motivating people for following a healthy lifestyle (exercise, yoga, healthy food etc.), that is abstinence from the unhealthy lifestyle.

Cybernetics, called “self-regulation”

IT is common knowledge that exercise loosens the joints, reduces fat, stimulates the heart and other functions, and could, therefore, be considered beneficial to one’s health. This had long been established by inductive inference from the domain of common experience. It was no different from the knowledge that food will alleviate hunger and that water will quench thirst. It was one of the countless rules of thumb that have proved to be quite reliable, that we use to get rid of discomforts or to attain pleasures. All of them are based on the implementation of an efficient cause that has regularly produced the specific desired effect in the past and is therefore expected to produce it in the future.

But it is yourself who project this effect into the future, not something that exists in the future and affects the present.

first order cybernetics was primarily concerned with the analysis and engineering implementation of goal-directed behavior. – Cybernetics is formally defined as the science of control and communication in animals, men and machines.

Ask more questions. Stay being curious

PEOPLE have asked us everything and it’s just up to us to ask and I find that when I ask people are waiting and are willing to ask so why aren’t you. Why aren’t you asking for help for what it is that you desire to do.In today’s world of social connections challenged by technology and an overabundance of information, learning how to ask better questions and rekindle our curiosity is vital to learning to reconnect with other and build deeper relationships. And if you’re seeking better answers and better comprehension among the overwhelming flow of information, learning to ask better questions will help. Having interviewed hundreds of history-making names from Robert DeNiro to Quincy Jones, today’s guest Cal Fussman has spent a lifetime cultivating the art of asking great questions and listening and living with deep curiosity.

When was the last time you’ve been truly curious?
When was the last time you asked a question from a place of deep curiosity and ached to know the answer? When was the last time you truly listened to someone during a conversation?

In today’s conversation, we hear a little about Cal’s origin story and the events that first got him interested in the power of questions and the discipline of journalism. We talk about the relentless curiosity we possess in childhood, how that curiosity can get lost over time, and the need for all of us to rekindle that curiosity in our lives. Finally, we’ll hear Cal’s reflections on his interview with Mikhail Gorbachev and the power of asking questions that aim straight for the heart.

Floss not just brush.

I would also tell my 20 old self to floss, to floss not just brush but to floss a little bit better to floss more often because it matters. Just knowing what I know now.

Health Fact

Poor oral health increases your risk for many different health problems and diseases, including bad breath, dementia, pneumonia, erectile dysfunction, kidney disease and head and neck cancers. Your diet is the most significant determinant of your oral and dental health, but how you clean your teeth can also make a big difference. Flossing is an important strategy, yet one-third of American adults never floss. When done correctly, oil pulling has a significant determinant of your oral and dental health, but how you clean your teeth can also make a big difference. Flossing is an important strategy, yet one-third of American adults never floss. When done correctly, oil pulling has a significant cleansing, detoxifying and healing effect that can help improve both your oral and general health. Your dental health is an important component of your physical health. It’s a frequently underappreciated aspect that can have a profound systemic influence. In fact, thousands of studies have linked oral disease to systemic disease. Your mouth is like a window to your health; the soft tissues and your teeth reflect what’s going on in the rest of your body. Inflammation is well-known as a “ravaging” and disease-causing force, and gum disease and other oral diseases produce chronic low-grade inflammation. When the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease enter into your circulatory system, it causes your liver to release C-reactive proteins, which have inflammatory effects on your entire circulatory system.

Flossing is perhaps even more important than brushing because it removes bacteria that are the precursors of plaque, which if left to fester will turn into tartar that cannot be removed by regular brushing or flossing. Tartar is what eventually causes the damage that leads to decay and tooth loss. Most people are aware that flossing is a recommended practice for optimal oral health, yet nearly one-third of Americans never floss. Remarkably, 1 in 5 Americans also does not brush their teeth twice a day.4 According to a recent investigation:

Please Cook. Cooking knowledge is a tool for a healthy diet.
I know how to cook when I was 20. I learned how to cook when I was coming up as a young man but learn how to cook because that’s another impressive area. I believe that if you like to eat then you should know how to cook but it’s also something you should go in relationship with probably knowing how to cook is not just a woman’s job. It’s not just a man job I think is a something both should be able to do so they give you definitely brownie points when you are able to cook a good meal and if you don’t know how to cook. Learn, try that’s what trial and error is all about and if you burn something just make sure you learn and you practice and practice on your home alone and no one will ever know the difference all right.

IN earlier times, transmission of cooking skills was a family affair, mostly concerning women. Today is a very different story. Intense pace, little or no time devoted to preparing family meals, demons of food that is “ready-made”, or “ready to cook”. These pressures occur at a time we know that a balanced healthy diet is a key to well being. The proof is in rising rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease as well as much other health concern

LIKE our grandmothers before, chefs are now playing a leading role in educating people about balanced and healthy eating. This is an enormous challenge!

They have to relearn the obvious: to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, to vary and diversify foods, right from a very early age. When will we see cooking classes in elementary schools? We could then teach children good habits right from the start. Children would then be in a position to be the best teachers for their parents.

Culinary education should integrate all modern media (internet, videos…). Our favorite chefs must also replace our grandmothers and visit elementary, middle and high schools, as well as universities to remind us of the basics.

Importance of cooking skills:

Balanced food choices

Food guidelines simply inform people about healthy food choices and good eating practices, and a translation of food guidelines into actual daily meal preparation needs more than nutrition knowledge alone. Other important aspects that affect food choices are household characteristics, such as financial resources, available means of transportation, kitchen equipment, and household members’ skills in food acquisition, transportation, storage, and preparation1.

People who are able to cook make better food choices

Accordingly, the higher the cooking skills are, the higher is the vegetable consumption. In fact, cooking skills enable the preparation of different food items and dishes and therefore may increase food choice opportunities, as well as food variety. It is well known that food variety is one factor among others that may increase food intake, which is preferable in the case of vegetable consumption4,5. Moreover, people with high cooking skills less frequently consume convenience food (e.g. pizza, a meal in a can, meals-ready-to-eat), sweets (e.g. chocolate, sweet pastries) and savory snacks (e.g. chips) as well as sugar-sweetened beverages (e.g. Fanta, Cola).

Cooking classes in schools provide a great opportunity to raise awareness of fresh foods, food ingredients, and health-promoting diets. These classes could also provide students with the skills on how to economically and quickly prepare healthy dishes. Additionally, children and young adults, especially from low-income families, might benefit most from cooking classes in schools because they have limited access to other resources of information.

LACK of cooking skills and poor cooking confidence have been connected with poor food choices including inadequate fruit and vegetable intake1. Cooking skills are on the decline in modern western societies to the point that it is of public health concern2. This deskilling maybe the result of a number of factors – a reduction in the traditional pathways of learning to cook, technological advances in the production and availability of processed ready-made meals, changes to social norms around cooking and eating, and greater participation of women in the workforce3, amongst other hypotheses.

The Obama administration has heartedly endorsed cooking, mainly through the First Lady and a program called Cooking Matters, to address the obesity problem in the United States (

Allows young people/adults to prepare, experiment, taste and try new foods in a safe environment.

Take your time before getting married.

If you’re not that person you know someone that got married in their teens up to their age of 25 and 26. And they really didn’t even know who they were so how you gotta not know how who you are and you’re in this thing cause you love somebody and somebody loves you right and then you just crave a big mess, a big pile of mess because you really not in tune with who you are, you’re still evolving you’re still discovering yourself, you’re still learning yourself. You’re not really a true adult until at a certain age in life and some people so mature but I personally would have taken my time and got married later but I have no regrets I can tell you that. I also would have gotten premarital counseling to go along with that just you know for expectation purposes because you never know what you gonna get.

Do you know many sides of each other?

ONE problem that can detour a marriage that seems to be headed in the right direction is the introduction of unexpected new knowledge about a partner. Do you know, for example, how your partner thinks about and values money, or how he or she would approach being a parent? Learning more about your partner now could ward off some common sources of conflict later (Stanley, Markham, & Whitton, 2002).

Appreciate Failure.

I think that many of us try to put on a good face or a good show around others to make it seem like we don’t fail a lot that were perfect but we’re all. If I would embrace failure in my 20s. I think a lot more could have been learned from because that’s essentially what failure is. Failure is the ability to not be successful at something but to learn through the process so if you looked at holistically it is definitely a success so what we’ve covered here are the things that I will write to my 20-year-old self and I hope they help your 20-year-old selves or definitely applicable throughout different decades so if you feel like you haven’t this things in your 20s or you’re not doing these things in your 20s it’s quite all right because there are people in their 30s,40s, and 50s that are still working on it. Trust me. I see it all the time, hear it all the time. This is Prime. Hey, look your best, do your best, be your best. And one last thing, tells me what you want to hear because I’m here for you. I’m here to serve you what do you want to hear, what do you want me to share with you. I’ll be waiting. Now I want to ask you to forward this video to someone that you know that could use it as they may be dealing with any of these situations at some points in their life. If you feel that this is a value to someone that you know  in their 20s, 30s or 40s that could use any of these or someone that you know that has his that are hitting this mark, pass it on to them and I love to help them as well so I will ask you to share it. I will ask you to like and also, I’ll also ask you to subscribe. Thank you.

Redefine Failure
 Failure is a natural part of life that can impact us positively or negatively depending on how we define it.

Redefine Success
The more important measure of success is based on our own deeper knowing of what’s right for us rather than approval or disapproval from others.

Learn from Failure
 Failure presents an opportunity for continued learning and growth while success can lead to complacency and stagnation.

 Success and failure are not incompatible—most failures are simply challenges in progress that can provide a foundation for success. Find the Opportunities of Failure. Setbacks or short-term failures can contribute to future success if we focus on the opportunities they contain rather than the obstacles.  Use Negative Feedback to Your Advantage. Current negative feedback can provide positive Introduction: Succeeding with the Power of Failure 5 5 information for improvement or may even suggest that you are onto something new and different—a sign of a pending breakthrough success.

Look Beyond Yourself
 As you learn to focus outward, on helping others succeed rather than yourself, you become less vulnerable to what otherwise might appear to be personal failures. 8. Persist. Keep on trying and trying. Sustained Effort + the Lessons of Failures is a powerful formula for success.

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